Welcome to bestchance.

Student Information

Fees and Charges

The cost of undertaking a course with bestchance Training can be found in our Statement of Fees. Please note that these fees may not reflect how much the course will cost for you.

Student tuition fees published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Please also find information on our Fees and chargesFees paid in advance and Fees refund.

We recommend that you call us to discuss your course of interest on 1300 224 644 or book into an Information Session.

Government Funding

Our students may be eligible for government subsidised tuition. Our staff will discuss and assess your eligibility with you prior to enrolment.

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Full Fee Students

If you are not eligible for government funding, bestchance offers a 10% discount on tuition fees for its “Fee for Service” students.

If you are a Fee for Service student and you hold a Concession Card, you can receive a 20% discount on tuition fees. 

Please note, material fees still apply.


Our Certificate III qualifications are Centrelink approved, enabling eligible students to continue receiving benefits whilst undertaking studies.

If you are an Indigenous student,  you may be eligible for ABSTUDY, a Centrelink service that can help with your study costs and housing if you need to travel in order to complete your qualification. 

Enrolment Deposit

Upon enrolment we require a 10% deposit of your tuition fees and can organise for the remainder of your payment through Direct Debit.

Because student tuition fees can vary according to individual circumstances, we will provide you with a personalised Statement of Fees prior to enrolment.

Material Fees

Material Fees cover the cost of your Student ID Card and student resources, including workbooks, assessments, class handouts and any required readings.

These fees remain the same whether you are receiving government funding or you are a full fee student.  Material Fees must be paid in full prior to commencement.

Direct Debit

We can setup a Direct Debit schedule for any remaining fees over the duration of your course.

We will help schedule your payments around your regular outgoings to make payment for the course more manageable.

Refund Policy

If you decide to discontinue a course, we require notification in writing and the cancellation date is the date on the Completion/Withdrawal form.

View our refund policy for more information.

Credit Transfers & Recognition of Prior Learning

We recognise qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations. A certified copy of a Diploma, Certificate (and associated Statement of Result) or Statement of Attainment must be submitted to administration.

We shall also assess a previously completed course or subject to see if it provides equivalent learning or competency outcomes to those required within the learner’s current program. To read more and fill out your courses Credit Transfer application form, visit Student Resources.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses an individual’s formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which they have achieved the required competency outcomes.

It involves collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competence has been achieved. RPL is available to all learners. Fill out the RPL Application Form for your course at Student Resources.

The RPL process may suit you if you have:

  • Work skills and knowledge
  • Paid or unpaid work experience
  • Life experience
  • Formal training or education
  • Community work experience


This handbook has been developed to help guide you through your first days as a learner and to give you all the information you need as a bestchance Training student.

Visit Students Resources for a copy of the Handbook.

Visit Student Resources to read about our complaints and appeals procedure. 


An independent quality assessment of the bestchance Registered Training Organisation (RTO) was undertaken by the Higher Education & Skills Group in 2017

Online Service Standards

To read about Online Service Standards as prescribed by the Victorian Department of Education and Training, please click below.

Highlights from 2022 VET Performance Report
  • 89.3% of VET students were satisfied with training provided by bestchance Training

  • 89.2% of VET students would recommend bestchance Training 
  • 88% of VET students reported a positive perception of teaching

  • 87% of VET students achieved their main reason for training

  • 64.7% reporting an improved employment status and 11.6% went on to further study at a higher level than their completed training

We are in the top 25% of RTOs in Victoria in:
  • Proportion of VET students reporting a positive perception of teaching
  • Proportion of VET students who achieved their main reason for training
  • Proportion of VET students who recommend the RTO
External Audit

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