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Walk on Country

The children at Mainview Boulevard Kindergarten participated in a variety of activities such as singing songs including “Red, black and yellow”, “Wombat wobble”, “Inanay” and “Hokey Pokey.” We also did an Acknowledgement of Country

More than 85 families attended this excursion. Children and families were encouraged to participate in activities including bush walking, singing, dancing, an Opening Ceremony which included a Traditional Welcome and Acknowledgment of Country, boomerang throwing, bushcraft and cooking on the camp fire.

A Walk on Country supported all of the five learning outcomes of the Victorian Early Learning and Development Framework. It is a chance for the child and the family to learn a little more about Australian’s First Nations People by engaging in activities that promote understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The aims of the program are –

For children and families:

  • To learn more about the culture of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
  • To provide an opportunity to meet people with Indigenous backgrounds
  • To teach diversity in lifestyle for all people including Indigenous people, avoiding stereotypes
  • To connect and explore the natural environment; and
  • To participle in a community event that is inclusive and fun.

For Educators:

  • To implement a significant platform activity as per each services Reconciliation Action Plan;
  • To support Wyndham Council’s Statement of Commitment with a view to reconciliation; and
  • To facilitate an opportunity for families to come together to enjoy each other’s company and learn about the importance of valuing the culture of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;

For Wyndham Council:

  • To develop meaningful relationships with the Registered Aboriginal Party, Wathaurong Aboriginal Corporation and other Traditional Owners organisations;
  • Increasing the civic participation of Aboriginal people, providing opportunities for Aboriginal Elders and leaders to play an active role in the broader Wyndham community;
  • Raising awareness with Council and the broader community to increase understanding, recognition and respect of Aboriginal people; and
  • Increasing economic participation by Aboriginal people through employment and enterprise.

We also had a follow up visit from Justin to coincide with our Walk on Country. Justin shared his knowledge of Indigenous culture such as the benefits of the Eucalyptus tree, known as a medicine tree. He shared his Aboriginal name and his tribe names and told us the Dreamtime story of “The Brolga”.

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