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On the 26th of September, 83 year old bestchance volunteer Val won the Positive Aging Leadership Award at the Sir John Monash Awards!

Val Murray has spent the past 30 years volunteering at bestchance in many different roles.  Val has given countless hours to create lasting change in the lives of children and their families.

During the 1990’s a shop was opened in Mulgrave, with the profits being put toward school expenses and excursions. Talented with craft, Val contributed her own creations to the store. She made kitchen tidy baskets, lace-sewn hand towels, and storage boxes. She also helped with selling the items and assisting customers. Whenever there was help needed, Val has always been ready to lend a hand.  At Christmas time Val has been involved with distributing food parcels and toys to local families in need. She has put together boxes of food and wrapped donated toys for hundreds of children to experience the joy of Christmas.

The ‘Sew and Sews’ team of volunteers has been another area in which Val has shone. Val has created handmade clothing and toys for children of families receiving a service from bestchance. She brought her own sewing machine in from home to meet the growing demand for library bags, hats, smocks, dress-ups, sensory mats, cot sheets and so much more for the local kindergartens and childcare centres.

Last but certainly not least, Val has been involved in the Lion’s Club Mt Waverley Op Shop sales. Twice a year bestchance collects items to raise money for families and volunteers sell the items at the Op Shop.  Through Val’s commitment to bestchance and its services, the volunteers have raised over $36,000 in profits from the Op Shop, all of which has gone towards maintaining high-quality community support. Val’s dedication to bestchance is amazing and her consistent contribution is appreciated. For 30 years Val’s commitment, dedication and drive has added value to the lives of families and children living in the City of Monash.

Congratulations Val and thank you for all your hard work!

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