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Meet Su, bestchance Training Student.

A devoted mother of 3, Su had spent much of her professional life in the sales and marketing industry. Returning to the workplace after a 7-year hiatus may have been daunting for some, but Su was looking forward to interacting with new people each day.

Choosing a career in Early Childhood Education was an idea from a friend, which quickly blossomed into a goal for the future. When asked about her studies with bestchance, Su shared “bestchance Training was really good, and the trainers were very professional. The combination of theory and work placement was very helpful for us to gain insight into the job of an Educator.”

After graduating, Su gained employment immediately after entering the field. She had shown herself to be a hardworking, patient Educator with a desire to enhance the learning and development of her charges. Prior to the completion of her final assignment, she was hired through the bestchance Early Years’ Management team, to work in several kindergartens. Most recently, she has found a position at Katrina Preschool, Blackburn.

When asked if she would recommend bestchance Training to others, Su was adamant, “I would absolutely recommend anyone interested in joining the field to go with bestchance Training.” The training staff were, “very experienced and supportive,” which fostered a comfortable learning environment for Su and her classmates.

When asked of her plans for the future, Su is content to gain experience and knowledge in the sector. Her main objective for her future is to, “continue to develop [herself].” She is also considering pursuing post graduate studies.

We asked Su what advice she would give to others who may be interested in pursuing Early Years Education. Su shared the knowledge she had gained whilst studying and working in Child Care. “Working with children is a job that sometimes requires more heart than degree, more passion then years of experience. In saying this, the course at bestchance has equipped me with the necessary skills to work in Early Years Education.” Congratulations Su, we can’t wait to see what is to come.

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