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Take a look at our Q&A with Adam: bestchance Trainer Certificate III in Education Support.

What is your job here at bestchance and how long have you worked here?

I teach the Certificate III in Education Support course as well as the majority of the Prepare For Employment courses.

I’ve been here for 5 years.

What is the average work day like for you?

Usually a nice amount of fun and always a few surprises!

What are some of your favourite things about working for bestchance Training?

I love meeting and getting to know our trainees, so many who come from different cultural backgrounds and have amazingly diverse experiences. It’s great when you see people relax and really start to enjoy the training experience as they build their confidence.

What is the best part of being a trainer?

Feeling like I’m making a difference in people’s lives and watching them learn and grow in themselves as they embark on this exciting journey.

What is the most difficult aspect of being a trainer?

Offering support to students who are going through personal crisis in their lives but knowing there is only so much you can do.

What is some advice you have for people looking to study Education Support?

Volunteer in a school to get a feel for the role then come to bestchance! Understand also that every school operates differently and it’s wonderful when you can really fit into a school’s culture.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

I could only live in Melbourne, consistently voted number 1 in the world for good reason. Plus I love the AFL and the Hawks!

Who is your hero? If you could meet them and ask one question what would it be?

Prince. Why didn’t you just get the hip replacement?

What is your favourite place in Melbourne? Why?

The MCG. Nothing comes close as a spectacular stadium and it’s the home of the Hawks and some brilliant memories.

What is your favourite guilty pleasure snack/food?

Ice creams…. probably  Magnums!

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

The ability to have all my training compliance magically done for me while I sleep! (Thank you compliance Elves!)

What is one of your favourite childhood memories?

Playing sports such as cricket and football in the backyard with my brother and friends then swimming in the pool in between innings.

If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?

To be able to play crazy lead guitar as effortlessly as Prince!


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