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Sponsor a Child or Family

Every child deserves an education, no matter their financial circumstances...

The Cheshire School is an innovative and highly successful interim specialist school dedicated to supporting and working with children from Prep to Year 6 who have social, emotional and behavioural problems and who have been unable to successfully participate in mainstream schooling.

Providing a stepping stone to success, Cheshire educators and psychologists work with children and their families to target the child’s social, emotional and behavioural challenges and develop strategies to successfully express their emotions and manage their behaviours.

Sadly not all families can afford for their child to access specialised programs like Cheshire School, and one third of our students come from financially vulnerable families.

You can help transform a life by funding a child’s tuition fees. 

sponsor a cheshire student
Vulnerable new family
Parents are to children what roots are to trees. Help a family grow their roots.

Our In-home Support program provides a safety net for families who are facing challenging circumstances, such as social isolation, single parenthood, anxiety, depression, or the demands of raising children with complex needs.

Families are matched to a compatible, trained volunteer Support Worker, who provides the practical and emotional support needed to manage the demands of parenthood.

It takes a village to raise children but sadly, some families don’t have a village.

This program not only assists families to adjust to the demands of parenthood, but also benefits the volunteers, who re-engage with the community and find a sense of purpose through their work.

By sponsoring a family, you can provide 6 – 12 months of In-Home Support, access to parent training programs such as Tuning Into Kids, and any interim financial assistance towards bills and groceries if required.

about Volunteering

Enquire about our Therapy Services

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