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Keysborough Primary School Kindergarten

31-53 Coomoora Road, Springvale South VIC 3172

Experience awe, wonder, curiosity and creativity at Keysborough Primary School Kindergarten!

Keysborough Primary School Kindergarten uses interactive play with the support of our wonderful Educators.

Our Educators identify the strengths and interests of the children and design the environment and activities around them. We use open-ended materials that enable children to use their imagination in creating their own learning and discovery.

Virtual Tour

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We value both the indoor and outdoor environment equally and see all types of weather as a learning opportunity. This gives the children the chance to explore, take risks and be creative.

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Our kinder has been rated as Exceeding National Quality Standards, demonstrating our commitment to children and their families.

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We connect with our local community and go on exciting excursions. These are a great way for the children to have new experiences and learn more about themselves, and the world around them.

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We provide a multicultural curriculum, teaching the children about diversity and understanding. We also celebrate a variety of cultural events and holidays throughout the year.

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We are very conscious of keeping our staff and children safe in the sun; therefore we are official participants in the SunSmart program.

Begin the adventure!


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Our Philosophy


  • In relation to children we respect the rights of every child and provide a safe and healthy environment that enhances children’s learning and development.
  • We acknowledge the holistic nature of children’s learning and respect their cultural and linguistic identities.
  • In acknowledging the uniqueness and potential of all children we strive to provide an enjoyable and stress free environment of learning.


  • We acknowledge that the families are the first teachers of the child and therefore we listen to and learn from them while supporting them in their role of nurturing children.
  • We assist families to develop a sense of belonging and engage in shared decision making in the interest of the child. We respect the uniqueness of each family and strive to learn about their culture, customs and lifestyles. We share the planning, monitoring and assessment practices for children’s learning and communicate this in ways that families understand.
  • We respect the privacy of families and therefore maintain confidentiality.


  • We strive to connect with the local communities to promote and enhance the children’s learning and understanding of the world around them.
  • Local communities are invited to share their knowledge and experience with the children to extend their learning and provide them with hands on experience of learning.


  • Our educators are respectful and supportive of each other, the children, the families and the community. We value the process of play as a learning tool and hence our planning is based on the child’s knowledge and interests.
  • Our educators recognise and value the uniqueness of each child’s leaning and provide a program accordingly.


  • As educators we acknowledge the environment (indoor and outdoor) as the third teacher and therefore make the setting educative and explorative.
  • We passionately promote the use of natural resources as a learning tool.

Key Information

HOW TO register

Registrations for both 3 & 4 year old kindergarten places are managed by Dandenong Council Central Registration Scheme

Register now

or email ChildrenServAdminSupport@cgd.vic.gov.au, or phone 8571 1817.

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