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Riding their way to $6k!

TeamBest cycling team will be hitting the road again on Saturday 27 March during a 520-kilometre ride to raise $6,000 for The Cheshire School. The event, Woody’s Murray to Moyne, is a relay cycling event that sees TeamBest pedalling their way from Echuca to Port Fairy in 24hrs.  

Fundraising organiser and team member Chris Moorfoot says the ride is a “great chance for keen riders to test themselves,” because it is a ride of endurance and teamwork, and the team need to support each other. 

“You get a real great sense of achievement, and at the same time you are raising funds for a worthy cause. It’s a win win,” he says. 

Back in 2019, TeamBest raised just over $6,000 towards helping families in need of access to The Cheshire School’s program, and they are hoping to hit that target again this year. Cheshire School Principal Helen Barrett said at the time: “We are very grateful for all our cyclists’ efforts and the amazing support they received through donations. These funds will now help families in need of access to our school program who may otherwise have missed out.” 

The team is inspired by the work of Bestchance, and particularly The Cheshire School, in helping children with social, emotional and behavioural challenges. Chris says this year’s ride is about “promoting the services of Bestchance and raising funds so other families are fortunate enough to take advantage of important services they provide”. 

“The difference Bestchance and The Cheshire School have made to so many children and families is just extraordinary. and I know there are so many others that would benefit from their work. But they need more funding to make that happen,” Chris explains. 

With a bit over a week to go the team has been training hard, spending long hours in the saddle and consuming copious amounts of coffee and associated energy sources.  

Everyone in the team is excited and ready to go, but they need your help! 

Make the 520-kilometre trek just a little bit easier by donating, or by sharing the link with all your friends and family. You can support TeamBest via GiveNow.

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