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Mark* was a happy, energetic 6-year-old, but when his parents separated that soon began to change.

His anxiety became apparent in his violent outbursts towards classmates and staff, with school drop offs becoming a nightmare. “Despite our best efforts and the school staff support, Mark was often sent home early because of his behaviour. It was a very stressful time and we felt we had lost our little boy,” his father Eric shared.

When he was referred to The Cheshire School he arrived as a sensitive, anxious, volatile little boy. He was unhappy and resistant to the change, however his parents and The Cheshire School staff worked together developing strategies to best fit his needs. Soon there were signs of improvement and he started to thrive. He loved the excursions, the creative play and the martial arts classes (Warrior Fitness Program) that help students tune into their bodies and learn self-control. Most importantly, Mark built strong connections with students and staff.

After only 12 months, Mark became a role model for his classmates, and was ready to return to his mainstream school. He is now a delightful, sociable and intelligent student with two very proud parents. His mum Kelly said, “It feels like we’ve got Mark back, but a stronger, emotionally in-tune little boy who still has his caring nature and cheeky personality. He is a testament to the skill and care of the Cheshire team.”

The Cheshire School Assistant Principal Helen Barratt explained: “All too often, children like Mark can quickly fall behind in their learning, opting out of classroom activities and losing connections with friends and the school community. Families can feel judged, overwhelmed and fearful of what the future holds for their child. But with our teams specialised skills we can help to connect with these children, to reignite a love of learning and to learn critical life skills for managing big emotions in safe ways.”

To learn more about The Cheshire School, click HERE.


*name changed

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