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Fire brigade visit

On Tuesday the 21st of May, the Wyndham Vale Primary Kindergarten Navy Group had our visit from the Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade. Community Services have been a big part of our current curriculum and learning.

Our children had been engaging in a variety of learning experiences about how we can look after ourselves and how to stay safe, before the fire brigade came to visit, but this incursion helped us put some of this learning into action.

The 6-person team of volunteers split us into two groups, one group stayed inside and talked about fire safety and what the fire brigade does when they are not fighting fires. The other group got to go out and experience the fire truck and even had a turn at using the hose to knock some cones over and wash our cars!

The team of fire fighters were all very impressed with our children’s knowledge of fire safety. We also learnt new things, such as:

  • Call 000
  • Where we need to be if an emergency or fire happens at home. They suggested having a meeting point across the road at your neighbour’s letter box
  • Knowing your home address so you can tell the operator if you need to call 000.

Our class was divided into two groups to allow the children to be in touch with the big red fire truck, hoses, mask, blankets, radios, and all the other  items fire fighters use.

The inside group were taught the safe ways to act in emergency situations, including what to do in a fire, to“get down low and go, go, go” and to not hide so that a fire fighter could find them inside a building.

In the afternoon I (Jamie) had brought a large box in from home and asked the children what we could make with it. Get ready to see some interesting creations over the next few sessions. We will also compare the knowledge that the children had before the incursion to what they can tell us now after exploring the world of a fire fighter.

Thank you again to our fantastic helper, Kelly, for being with us today, taking photos, supporting the children and staff. It makes everything run a little smoother!

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