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How to choose the right training provider for you

So you’re ready to expand your skills, learn new things, achieve a qualification and launch a new career adventure… but where do you start?

With so many options out there for adult learners, it is important to do your research to ensure you find the training provider that is right for you.

Here are the top 5 things to consider when choosing a training provider:

  1. How do you learn best?

People learn in different ways.  Some learn better with theory and lectures, and some learn best through doing, experiencing or through practical demonstrations. Some people need the opportunity to discuss, debate or ask questions. Some prefer the solitary nature of online learning. 

Whatever your learning style is, make sure the qualification you undertake is delivered in a way that suits you.

At bestchance Training, our students are those who respond well to a mixture of class discussions, practical demonstrations and taking part in practical activities.

  1. How big are the classes?

Be sure to research the class sizes of a training provider. Larger class sizes tend to result in less individualised attention, less support and a higher chance for students to fall behind.

At bestchance Training, we intentionally keep our class sizes small to ensure that students get the support and guidance they need to achieve their qualification successfully and enjoy their academic journey.

  1. What support services are available?

A good training organisation should offer support services to their students. Research what kind of support programs and study groups are part of a training provider’s services.

For example, bestchance offers additional programs such as Prepare for Employment, Study Skills, Digital Literacy, and Homework Club.  As many of our students speak English as a second language, we also offer Conversational English classes run

by an accredited trainer. We know that by having these extra support services, our students are equipped with the tools, knowledge and confidence to achieve their goals.

  1. What is the study environment like?

Feeling safe, valued and included is important to all of us.

When studying, we want to feel like our opinions are valued and respected. Our students come from around the world, and with class lunches, study groups and a strong sense of community, bestchance Training creates a space where everyone is heard and appreciated, and cultural diversity is celebrated!

  1. Reputation matters
  • A good indication of reputation is in how long the RTO has been round.
  • Do they have some testimonials from students available on their website?
  • Do they have a high rate of employment outcomes for graduating students?
  • Are they registered to provide the courses and qualifications they are offering? The organisation should have a registration number (for example, bestchance Training’s registration number is TOID3695).
  • Find out what the total fee is for the course and what their refund policy is.
  • Be wary of providers who ask for a large amount of money as a deposit.

For a comprehensive checklist on what to look for when choosing a training provider, have a look at the Australian Skills & Quality Authority’s fact sheet.

There is a lot to consider when selecting a training organisation but by doing your research you can feel secure that the decision to further your education is the right one!

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