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Life after COVID: Childcare, Disability and Aged-care workers will be in high demand

It’s a scary and uncertain world we live in now. One where we wake up to newspaper headlines of coronavirus case numbers, daily death tolls and the staggering amount of Australian’s losing their jobs, businesses and livelihoods. With so much negativity in the media, experts are looking to the future in an effort to predict what the world will be like post-pandemic.

In April of this year, 600,000 Australian’s lost their jobs, according to a recent study conducted by ING and the Sydney based think-tank Thinque.

In addition to this, the World Economic Forum expects that in five years’ time, 35% of the skills deemed essential today, will change. This is largely because businesses and entire industries will need to evolve to survive.

“Businesses have had to adapt at exponential speeds,” Anders Sörman-Nilsson from Thinque said in his report. “Will employees return to expensive and centrally located offices or will we continue to work virtually? How will training and development be delivered? …What is certain is that something different is emerging from this pandemic and that values and behaviours are evolving.”

Therefore, in order to remain relevant in a post-pandemic reality, experts foresee that people will need to commit to life-long learning. We will see an influx of people expanding their qualifications in order to stay competitive in the job market, or to transition to a new, more stable industry.

So here’s the good news:

According to Australian Government’s Job Outlook, Health Care and Social Assistance jobs have remained secure during the pandemic and it is expected that these industries will grow rapidly after the pandemic eases.  

“Workers will be needed in the Healthcare and Social Assistance industry to support the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), investments in hospitals, and the growing demand for aged care, childcare, and home-care based services.”  (Source: Job Outlook)

Education will also remain very important with the number of school-aged children in Australia growing rapidly.  Therefore Teachers and Teachers’ Aides will be in high demand.

A new world order

One thing we hope comes out of this pandemic is a re-evaluation of roles in society. The world has collectively realised the true meaning of “essential” when it comes to essential workers. There is renewed respect for educators, carers, and support workers, which is well deserved.

We hope to see this re-evaluation lead to better remuneration for our essential workers and for the respect to continue after the chaos of COVID-19 dies down.

A qualification for job security

Experts agree that engaging in further education and skills development will be a high priority for people to maintain stable employment in a post-COVID world.  Although care-based roles have proven to be “pandemic-proof” in many ways, they are front line jobs that require true passion, altruism and a genuine motivation to help the vulnerable.  Before jumping into a qualification it is crucial to assess whether you really do have the passion to work in these fields.  

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