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A True Passion For Supporting Children To Learn

bestchance Training graduate Catherine has a love of learning and a passion for encouraging children to believe in themselves and their abilities. After studying with bestchance as a teenager in 1994, returning to study a Certificate lll in Education Support as an adult was a no brainer for her.  

Catherine’s life experiences, and the lived experience of having two children of her own, set her up perfectly for a career in early childhood support. “I did not find school and further study easy,” she explains, “but my life experiences helped me become an empowered adult, determined to help children through their challenges at school, and help them see their individual strengths.” 

This determination pointed Catherine towards bestchance Training. She already knew that she would be entering a high-quality training program because of her past experience. “Returning to bestchance as an adult, to complete a course that will help children within a school environment has been a liberating experience,” she says. Catherine also found that the support given by her trainer was outstanding and she says she “hit the jackpot”.   

“My teacher is the sort of person who exudes positive energy and excitement for life, and I learn best from people who exhibit a genuine interest in what they are teaching. I’m certain that his ability to see potential in each student, along with his support and encouragement assisted our class in completing the course successfully, and with increased self-confidence!” It’s safe to say that Catherine’s positive experience throughout her study is highly attributed to the wonderful support she received from her trainer.  

Course flexibility was also an important consideration for Catherine because she has the responsibility of her two primary-school-aged children, but all bestchance training courses are designed with this in mind. Even throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, Catherine was very supported to succeed and says “when self-directed I often find time management and applying myself to certain tasks challenging, which was hard while also assisting my own children with remote learning, but I was well-supported by my trainer.”  

Catherine graduated from her bestchance Training course in April and she is now working supporting students in specialist and special development schools. The job suits her well due to her family responsibilities but she is still keen to keep learning to find out new ways of helping children achieve their personal best. “Life journeys, and learning paths are an incredibly unique experience,” she says. “I encourage others to find their passion in life and utilise their strengths. Find the right fit for you, where you will be supported and encouraged to be your best self.” 

Looking to get back to study or thinking about a new career path? 

Like Catherine, bestchance Training students are supported every step of the way so that they have the best chance of succeeding. We offer high-quality accredited training courses and make sure that our graduates are given career guidance, job seeking support, study groups and access to industry professionals. 

Click here, or call us on 1300 224 644, to find out more about bestchance Training courses and what options are best suited to you.  

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