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The children of The Cheshire School were recently caught horsing around, but not in the way one might expect!

A very special incursion, run by the community education program ’16 Hands’ visited the excited children to educate them about horses. The program is run through Racing Victoria, aiming to teach children around Melbourne about the majestic creatures, and their role in human history.

The morning saw the children gather outside, listening to Jo, who came to teach them about the role that horses have had in society’s history, as well as the unique characteristics of the thoroughbred horse and how to care for them. Jo spoke to the children about horse health, anatomy and shared some interesting facts. The program’s aim is to help children gain an understanding and appreciation of the animals. After the educational component of the day had concluded, it was time for the mane event!

The children took it in turns to approach a waiting Archie, the thoroughbred who retired recently from his racing career. With Jo beside them, they were able to pat the beautiful creature. For many, this was the first time they had been so close to a horse. At the end of the hour, the reluctant children said goodbye to their new friend and returned to the classroom overflowing with enthusiasm. Filled with what they had learnt and with the excitement from the day, it’s safe to say that the incursion was enjoyed by all.

To learn more about The Cheshire School’s early intervention program, click HERE.

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